Negara Bangsa Akibat Keruntuhan Soviet
In December of 1991, as the world watched in
amazement, the Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen separate countries. Its
collapse was hailed by the west as a victory for freedom, a triumph of
democracy over totalitarianism, and evidence of the superiority of capitalism
over socialism.
The United States rejoiced as its formidable
enemy was brought to its knees, thereby ending the Cold War which had hovered
over these two superpowers since the end of World War II. Indeed, the breakup
of the Soviet Union transformed the entire world political situation, leading
to a complete reformulation of political, economic and military alliances all
over the globe.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union began on
the peripheries, in the non-Russian areas. The first region to produce mass,
organized dissent was the Baltic region, where, in 1987, the government of
Estonia demanded autonomy.
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